A kinky or fetish relationship is, above all else, a relationship. Even if you are with a Pro Domme or a Distance Domme–and you pay for her time and expertise–it’s still a relationship. Finding a relationship takes planning, skill and communication.
The same is true in the BDsm and fetish community. Ms. Olivia is the Experienced Mistress who often blogs about how to find and keep relationships in the BDsm world. She often gets questions about how to find the right Domme or how to communicate effectively with a Mistress. If you’re a submissive this does not mean that you have no “say” in what happens in a fetish scene. You can and should speak up–but there are ways to do it in the proper manner. That fetish negotiation tip advice will be another podcast because first, you have to find your Mistress.
This podcast has some surprising tips that will work for any submissive.