Mistress Harper’s Cuckold Fetish Podcast

Do you know about the cuckold fetish? Are you a fan of Whore School? You should be! Whore School is an adult sex education podcast helmed by Mistress Harper since 2016, with over 300 hour long jam packed episodes, and recently Mistress Harper took to the internet...

Femdom Sex Education with a Twist

Have you been listening to Whore School lately? You should, because it is femdom podcasting and sex education all in one! Where else can you find the sharp wit and biting insight of a femdom, with all the sex education you never got in school? Whore School will teach...

Full Body Tease Task by Mistress Harper

Did you miss the Full Body Tease Task from Harper? If you did, you missed something really special, but don’t worry, you can still enjoy all the benefits of being a cock tease (minus the cock!) The extra special assignment calls for you to set aside some special...